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 Developpeur Freelance

Developpeur Freelance Ce portail présente un échantillon d'applications sous licence GPL2/MIT/GPL etc qui vous donneront la possibilité de déployer tous portails. Les scripts présentés seront écrits en PHP. Ces outils pourront être intallés sur des hébergements mutualisé

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  • Zoological Wildlife Foundation - 02-09-2016
    Spend your holidays in the lap of nature and wildlife animals at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation. We have a number of animals in their zoo and offer visitors a chance to get to interact with the animals.

  • Zoological Wildlife Foundation - 26-08-2016
    Meet with some of the most exotic wildlife animals at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation. This zoo is counted among the best zoo in Miami, Florida and offers various programs to educate the people about the preservation of wildlife.

  • Bike Stands in Australia for schools, workplaces and business structures. - 26-08-2016
    Bike Stands has been a distinct advantage in Australia for a many schools, workplaces and business structures where they supply their different bike stockpiling choices, for example, Bike racks, bicycle stands, School Bike Racks and so forth. They provides you the bike stands that are very much prepared for securing, putting away, and keeping up a bike with out any mess and effortlessly.

  • Sedona Recrutement - 23-02-2015
    L?implication et l?expertise de nos équipes sont les fondements de Sedona. Venez découvrir ce et ceux qui constituent les équipes et les valeurs du groupe. Partagez l?expérience de nos collaborateurs, apprenez à mieux connaitre les activités et les principaux métiers. Renseignez-vous sur les opportunités de carrière à nos côtés.

  • Charted service - 21-01-2015
    Charted est une bibliothèque Javascript issue de la team Medium permettant de générer des graphes interactifs à partir de fichier CSV ou Google Spreadsheet.

  • AngularJS ? Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework - 10-01-2015
    HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for
    declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary
    for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable,
    and quick to develop.

  • Slim Framework - 21-11-2014
    Slim is a micro framework for PHP 5 that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs

  • Send Better Email | MailChimp - 07-11-2014
    You?ve heard the adage "Only eat oysters in months that end in R," but what other, more modern advice do oyster eaters need to know? We consulted clammers, cooks, and culinary experts, and here"s their tips for enjoying oysters this season.