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 Banque de sons

Banque de sons Site de vente en ligne de musique libre de droits pour les créations multimédia, les jeux vidéos, les jeux pour téléphone portable et les vidéo institutionnelles.

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  • Royalty free music from audiobank : The Developing Plan by Mark Oates - 25-01-2015
    There's ? dr?v?ng yet ser?ous underly?ng drum be?t w?th th?s tune th?t w?ll work well w?th v?su?ls h?v?ng to do w?th technology, educ?t?on, sc?ence f?ct?on, dr?m?, sp?ce. It w?ll ?lso be gre?t b?ckground mus?c when g?v?ng th?t ?nnu?l corpor?te present?t?ons to your sh?reholders ?nd ?t w?ll ?lso f?t well w?th stor?es for r?d?o ?nd ?nternet podc?sts, g?ven the r?ght subject m?tter.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Drop Down Jazz by Bobby Cole - 25-01-2015
    M?nor seventh chord vo?ces ?nd syncop?ted rhythms cre?te th?s descend?ng j?zz b?sed stock mus?c tr?ck. It's cool ?nd collected ?nd more on the upbe?t s?de. P??r th?s p?ece of mus?c w?th ? w?de r?nge of non-v?su?l ?nd v?su?l foot?ge for f?lm, r?d?o, telev?s?on, ?ud?obooks, podc?sts, web mov?es, web ser?es, web or?g?n?ls, g?mes, DVDs, youtube v?deos, on-hold mus?c, commerc??ls, etc.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Monks Pulse by Simon Wolfe - 25-01-2015
    W?th ? def?n?te ?nd prec?se be?t th?s modern ?nd eclect?c tune uses electron?c synth l?nes to cre?te the sp?c?ous ?nd reverber?t?ng sounds for ? dyn?m?c ?tmosphere. Wh?t comes to m?nd ?s ? futur?st?c, sleek ?l?en sp?cesh?p w?th neon l?ghts surround?ng the w?lls ?nd ?nstruments. Uses: c?nem?, mont?ges, b-rolls, v?deog?mes, d?nces, clubs, TV ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Emerge by Jon Cooper - 23-01-2015
    Ench?nt?ng, m?g?c?l short j?ngle full of gongs, bells, p??no, glockensp?el, p?ds ?nd vo?ces. V?su?l?ze old London w?th B?g Ben r?ng?ng h?s bells ?n the b?ckground ?nd the ch?ldren w??t?ng for Peter P?n to fly ?nto the?r bedroom. Tw?nkl?ng ?nd f??ry dust ?bound ?n the ??r. Uses: m?g?c?l n?ght ?n f?lms, TV, v?deo g?mes, ?nyth?ng to do w?th f??r?es ?nd m?g?c, webs?tes, m?g?c ?cts, document?r?es, promos.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Under Attack by Alex Khaskin - 23-01-2015
    Need ? fun, ?ct?on-p?cked tune for your toon? Th?s short p?ece p?cks ? w?llop w?th ?ts synth orchestr? full of no?ses to ?dd to your sl?pst?ck humor. C?n be used ?n ? f?ctory full of mech?n?c?l p?rts turn?ng, w?nd?ng wh?le ch?r?cters ?re pulled through the m?ch?nery. Uses: c?rtoons, ?n?m?t?ons, promos, commerc??ls, ?ny com?c?l v?su?l.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : 80?s Style Cop Film by Bobby Cole - 22-01-2015
    In the style of ?n 80s cop f?lm l?ke D?e H?rd, Leth?l We?pon, D?rty H?rry or Beverly H?lls Cop w?th ? h?rd-work?ng ?c?d b?ss l?ne, th?s stock mus?c tr?ck ?s ?de?l to p??r w?th the follow?ng k?nds of v?su?ls: ?ct?on, thr?llers, myster?es, cr?me, cr?me-comed?es, comed?c cop f?lms l?ke Pol?ce Ac?demy or s?tcoms, comed?es, document?r?es or ?ny other k?nd of content th?t ??ms to convey the feel?ng of the 80s.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : J S Bachs Invention No 1 by Mark Oates - 22-01-2015
    Th?s f?mous fugue by B?ch performed on ? h?rps?chord ?s the ?de?l mus?c b?ckdrop for v?su?ls ?nvolv?ng opulent d?nners or l?v?sh sett?ngs show?ng off prod?g?ous we?lth ?nd luxury, whether ?t's for scenes ?n f?lms or telev?s?on, mont?ges ?ns?de ? m?ns?on, form?l cockt??l p?rty, perh?ps for ? webs?te or r?d?o spot. It could ?lso be used for med?? ?nvolv?ng scenes t?k?ng pl?ce dur?ng Lou?s XIV or even roy?lty themes dur?ng med?ev?l t?mes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Crossing Old Rope Bridge by Ilya Kaplan - 22-01-2015
    A soft but suspenseful ?nd h?unt?ng soundtr?ck m?de w?th t?ck?ng sounds ?nd other effects ?nd ? qu?et drone w?ll emph?s?ze foot?ge me?nt to cre?te ?nx?ety ?nd suggest d?sturb?ng events. For ex?mple, for scenes ?n psycholog?c?l thr?llers, horror mov?es, ?ny shots th?t put the v?ewer on edge bec?use they don't know wh?t ?s go?ng to h?ppen next, but they know th?t someth?ng sc?ry or horr?ble ?s ?bout to t?ke pl?ce.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Galapagos Island by Bobby Cole - 22-01-2015
    He?v?ly As??n ?nfluenced tune w?th dr?m?t?c p?ss?ges ?nd developments uses orchestr?l symphony sounds to cre?te ? full sc?le exot?c feel. Perfect for ?ll As??n ep?c mov?es, telev?s?on or cultur?l As??n s?tes. Other uses: promos, present?t?ons, mont?ges, document?r?es ?nd cred?ts.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Memories of the Past by Alex Khaskin - 22-01-2015
    A pretty, rom?nt?c stock mus?c soundtr?ck such ?s th?s one w?s m?de w?th orchestr?l str?ngs, p??no, french horn, gong ?nd ? gentle Rhodes. It's def?n?tely the type of p?ece to be p??red w?th sent?ment?l, emot?on?l, he?rtfelt foot?ge, whether ?t's for v?su?l content or non-v?su?l ?ud?o m?ter??l. Uses: r?d?o stor?es, love stor?es, rom?nces, tender moments, po?gn?nt p?eces, ser?ous dr?m?s, so?p oper?s, n?ture foot?ge, telev?s?on segments, f?lm foot?ge, podc?sts, DVDs, g?me ?ntros or story l?nes, youtube v?deos, ?ud?obooks, web or?g?n?ls such ?s mov?es, ser?es, spec??ls or s?tes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Welcome To The Jazz Bar by Bobby Cole - 22-01-2015
    Recorded solely w?th p??no, th?s j?zz-b?sed mus?c tr?ck c?n be descr?bed ?s ? j?zz tune ?nfused w?th Motown soul. It sounds sent?ment?l, but l?ght ?nd more upbe?t. Th?s m?kes ?t ? good c?nd?d?te to m?tch w?th foot?ge th?t ?s rom?nt?c, lov?ng or h?v?ng to do w?th fr?endsh?p ?nd/or he?rtfelt s?tu?t?ons. Ide?s: ? couple reconc?l??t?ng, meet?ng th?t long-lost soulm?te ?fter ye?rs of lonl?ness, f?nd?ng ? lost pet s?fe ?nd sound, fr?ends h?ng?ng out together dur?ng the hol?d?ys, ? wonderful reun?on of f?m?ly ?nd other he?rtw?rm?ng moments whether ?t's for v?su?l foot?ge or ?ud?o content.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Underworld Series Dramatic Cue 7 by Alex Khaskin - 20-01-2015
    T?lented composer, Alex Kh?sk?n, h?s cre?ted The Underworld Dr?m?t?c Cue ser?es ?nd th?s ?s p?rt seven ?n ? ser?es. It's dr?m?t?c, exc?t?ng ?nd feels w?ld, exot?c ?nd out ?n ? d?ngerous jungle or dense forest. It w?ll be perfect to pl?ce th?s ?s b?ckground mus?c for f?lms ?nd document?r?es but ?lso for re?l?ty telev?s?on progr?ms where there ?re el?m?n?t?on rounds ?nd try?ng phys?c?l ch?llenges (Koh-l?nt?, for ex?mple, ?s well ?s shows l?ke Surv?vor ?nd Fe?r F?ctor). The tune ?s suspenseful w?th ?ts b?ss l?nes, synths, drums ?nd other m?xed percuss?on ?nstruments ?nd ?t grooves w?th ? sense of urgency ?nd d?nger. Other uses: ?ct?on, dr?m?, sc?ence f?ct?on, podc?sts, r?d?o content, web ser?es/mov?es, ?ud?obooks, g?mes.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Flying by Neil Cross - 20-01-2015
    M?de w?th ? sol?d groove ?nd synths, wh?ch bu?lds up ?nto ? full-blown club style ?nthem, th?s p?ece ?s replete w?th c?tchy chorus sect?on ?s well. Here's ?n energet?c stock mus?c d?nce tr?ck ?nd ?t's powerful ?nd s?ys "p?rty!" ?ll over ?t. Use th?s tr?ck w?th ?ct?on shots, d?nce club scenes, exc?t?ng m?ss?ons, f?nt?nsy ?ct?on, someone determ?ned to complete ? go?l ?nd other v?su?l ?nd non-v?su?l foot?ge for podc?sts, r?d?o, youtube v?deos, DVDs, telev?s?on, ?ud?obooks, g?mes, f?lm, web ser?es ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Oh Come All Ye Faithful by Neil Cross - 20-01-2015
    Not ?s form?l ?s ?n org?n rend?t?on but just ?s fest?ve ?nd cl?ss?c?l us?ng h?rps?chord, str?ngs, woodw?nd ?nd b?ss. Its be?ut?ful ?nterpret?t?on g?ves ?t ? w?rm ?nd se?son?l feel. Use ?t ?n ?ny Chr?stm?s f?lm, telev?s?on, promo, present?t?on, document?ry, cred?ts, mont?ge ?nd v?deog?me to ?dd th?t spec??l hol?d?y touch.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : We Three Kings by Neil Cross - 14-01-2015
    Th?s cl?ss?c hol?d?y tune th?t most people w?ll recogn?ze, ?s ? qu?et, s?mple ?nd c?lm vers?on of the Chr?stm?s cl?ss?c, We Three K?ngs. The synth ?rr?ngement m?de w?th oboe, cello ?nd p??no ?s very p?rt?cul?r ?n th?t ?t's ? str??ght ?he?d, no embell?shment p?ece ?nd ?s very electron?c, border?ng on the mech?n?c?l s?de.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Empty Garden by Alex Khaskin - 14-01-2015
    Lonel?ness ?s expressed through the solo p??no ?nd soft str?ngs for those moments of sol?tude ?n th?s qu?et but full of me?n?ng p?ece. P?cture ? lone body look?ng out ? r??ny w?ndow or ? person w?lk?ng down ? deserted street. So much ?s emoted through the mus?c w?th very l?ttle s??d. Uses: dr?m?, promos, v?deog?mes, mont?ges, b-rolls ?nd end?ngs.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Ghost In My Head by Bartek Nied?wiecki - 14-01-2015
    Terr?fy your ?ud?ence r?ght out of the?r se?ts w?th th?s electron?c/exper?ment?l soundtr?ck th?t ?s me?nt to sc?re. Ide?l for v?su?ls th?t ?re suspenseful, horr?fy?ng, ?nx?ous, psychot?c, hypnot?c ?nd over?ll bone-ch?ll?ng. It's ? dron?ng, sust??n?ng, bend?ng ?nd creepy tr?ck w?th ghost vo?ce w??l?ng ?w?y ?n the b?ckground.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Biking Home From Work by Ilya Kaplan - 14-01-2015
    An upl?ft?ng ?nd mot?v?t?on?l mus?c tr?ck l?ke th?s one ?s excellent for sever?l k?nds of uses: telev?s?on morn?ng shows, ?nfomerc??ls, present?t?ons, mot?v?t?on?l corpor?te reels, commerc??ls promot?ng every d?y f?m?ly products. W?th ? b?s?c ?rr?ngement composed w?th p??no, gu?t?r, b?ss ?nd drums, ?t's e?sy on the e?rs, mellow yet energet?c. Other uses: webs?tes, g?mes, r?d?o content.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Hard Fight by Neil Cross - 09-01-2015
    Edgy gu?t?r r?ffs p??red w?th ? ste?dy b?ss ?nd drum groove w?ll rem?nd the cre?t?ve commun?ty ?nd the?r ?ud?ences of retro h?rd rock tunes th?t ?re me?nt to k?ck some butt! The tr?ck ?s gutsy ?nd tough, ?de?l to use w?th ?ct?on ?nd tough/rough shots, f?ght scenes ?nd b?ttles ?n f?lms ?nd telev?s?on. Other uses: g?mes, web ser?es, r?d?o stor?es ?nd podc?sts, commerc??ls, ?nfomerc??ls, spots, promos, ?nsp?r?t?on?l v?deo ?nd DVDS ?nd corpor?te m?ter??ls.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Freak Show by Neil Cross - 09-01-2015
    The words b?z?rro, pecul??r, offbe?t ?nd more c?n be used when l?sten?ng to th?s unusu?l sound tr?ck. It uses synths to c?pture ?n ?tmosphere of str?nge veget?t?on ?nd even str?nger ?l?ens se?rch?ng for the?r prey. The mov?e Av?t?r or ?ny of the St?r W?rs ser?es comes to m?nd ?s ?n ex?mple of the k?nd of v?su?ls you c?n use for th?s tune. Uses: c?nem?, TV, promos, present?t?ons, document?r?es, ?ntense v?deog?mes ?nd more.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Another World by Neil Cross - 09-01-2015
    Cre?ted w?th ?tmospher?c trumpet, ? flow?ng drum be?t ?nd smooth ?nd cool ?mb?ent synths, th?s stock mus?c p?ece ?s mellow yet myster?ous. It c?n be used w?th ? v?r?ety of top?cs: myster?es, sc?ence f?ct?on, sp?ce ?nd d?scovery themes, thr?llers, horror rel?ted segments, dr?m?s, so?p oper?s, ?dult entert??nment, n?ture ?nd tr?vel shows ?nd more for telev?s?on, f?lm, r?d?o, podc?sts, youtube v?deos, DVDs, Xbox g?mes, Pl?yst?t?on g?mes, W?? g?mes, ?ud?obooks.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Pomp And Circumstance by Mark Oates - 09-01-2015
    Known to you ?s "gr?du?t?on mus?c" ?t's ?ctu?lly c?lled Elg?r's M?rch No. 1 ?nd ?s prob?bly one of the most recogn?zed p?eces of mus?c ?n the Un?ted St?tes, ?s?de from the tune, H?ppy B?rthd?y, of course. By ?ll me?ns, use th?s excellent vers?on fe?tur?ng solo trumpet, tub? ?nd orchestr?l ?nstruments. Wh?t else c?n you use for ? m?ddle school/h?gh school/un?vers?ty gr?du?t?on ceremony? Noth?ng else works!

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : 21th Century China by Alex Khaskin - 09-01-2015
    Fus?on of tr?d?t?on?l ?nd modern g?ve th?s p?ece ?n ?nterest?ng tw?st w?th Ch?nese str?ngs ?nd flute. Voc?ls, synth b?ss, ?coust?c percuss?ons ?nd trumpet ?dd to the eclect?c m?xture ?n th?s unusu?l tr?ck. C?n be used ?n f?lms shot ?n l?rge Ch?nese c?t?es l?ke Hong Kong, Be?j?ng or Sh?ngh??. Also c?n be used ?n Ch?n?towns ?ll over the world, ?n ethn?c promos/present?t?ons/document?r?es/v?deog?mes, ?nd fest?v?ls.

  • Royalty free music from audiobank : Summer Driving Rock by Bobby Cole - 08-01-2015
    When Lenny Kr?v?tz meets Aerosm?th ?nd they h?ve ? j?m sess?on together, you m?ght here someth?ng l?ke th?s he?vy summer dr?v?ng rock style stock mus?c tr?ck. It fe?tures ? full b?nd ?nd powerful rock?ng gu?t?rs ?long w?th ? c?tchy r?ff p?ttern. It would be ? gre?t select?on for the under 30 demogr?ph?c ?ud?ence ?n s?tcoms, comed?es, dr?m? for telev?s?on, ?s well ?s fl?sh ?nd corpor?te present?t?ons ?nd reels.