Comment choisir un fournisseur d'accès Internet à domicile - 28-05-2021
Chaque fois que vous allez embaucher un type de service, vous devez être attentif pour être sûr que vous recevrez ce dont vous avez besoin. Cette règle s'applique également lors du choix d'un fournisseur d'accès Internet à domicile. Savez-vous quoi vérifier? Pensez à vos besoins lors du choix du fournisseur d'accès Internet à domicile La […]
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Câble coaxial (THD) et fibre optique : quelle est la différence ? - 28-05-2021
Dans le but de bénéficier d?une bonne connexion internet, plusieurs entreprises investissent beaucoup d?argent pour s?offrir les meilleures technologies en la matière. Ce qui leur permet d?avoir un bon débit provenant du réseau Internet et dirigé vers les laptots afin d?effectuer des opérations de téléchargement, d?affichage de page web, etc. En effet, le câble coaxial […]
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Top 3 des nouveaux restaurants de livraison à Paris - 02-03-2021
Se faire livrer le repas à domicile est l?une des tendances en ces jours où nous sommes cloitrés de gré ou de force chez nous. Dans ces conditions, il peut être difficile de s?assurer de la qualité du repas et du service des restaurants de livraison. Si vous êtes à Paris voici 3 nouveaux restaurants […]
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Top 4 des cuisines africaines - 02-03-2021
En matière d?art culinaire l?Afrique regorge de nombreuses recettes de cuisine incontournables. Si vous pensiez avoir tout vu, vous seriez encore plus étonné. La liste des plats à découvrir est longue, mais nous avons quand même réussi à vous dénicher le top 4 des cuisines africaines. Le poulet DG du Cameroun Plat de référence du […]
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Petits moyens pour avoir de la place dans sa cuisine - 02-03-2021
Le rangement d?une cuisine représente un casse-tête pour certains. C?est le lieu où s?accumule à la fois plusieurs outils de toutes sortes. Aussi petite soit-elle, il est toujours possible d?avoir plus d?espace dans sa cuisine. Cet article vous propose de petits moyens pour y parvenir. Faire la grande liste De quelle liste peut-il bien s?agit […]
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Le chou en cuisine - 02-03-2021
Que l?on soit cuisinier ou pas on connait surement le chou. Mais ce que certains ne savent pas, c'est qu?il en existe de différent type et qu?avec le chou, il est possible de réaliser plusieurs sortes de repas. Cet article présente quelque type de chou et les utilisations qu?on peut en faire. Le chou blanc […]
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Comment réussir la réouverture de son restaurant dans la période post-confinement - 02-03-2021
L?état de confinement prolongé a entrainé la fermeture de plusieurs sites de restauration. C?est un coup dure pour les cuisiniers et les restaurateurs qui se demandent sans doute s?il sera encore possible de relancer leur restaurant après le confinement. Cela est bien possible. Cet article fait part des moyens pour y parvenir. Mettre la communication […]
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Ce qu?il faut pour bien débuter en cuisine - 02-03-2021
Il n?est jamais trop tard pour se mettre à la cuisine. Avec de la bonne volonté et un bon apprentissage, il est bien possible de passer de l?état de simple dégustateur à chef cuisinier. Cependant, tout apprentissage demande une base théorique. Découvrez dans cet article, ce que vous devez impérativement savoir lorsque vous débuter en […]
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Bien dresser sa table comme il le faut - 02-03-2021
Certains ne le savent surement pas, mais dresser sa table à manger relève de l?art. C?est tout un tas de règles à respecter pour que le cadre de dégustation soit beau et que la dégustation à elle-même soit des plus agréables. Dans cet article est présenté aussi simplement que possible la façon dont l?on doit […]
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3 Conseils pour bien conserver ses épices - 02-03-2021
Matière organique d?origine végétale odorante ou piquante, les épices sont utilisées tout le temps en cuisine. Elles ne se périment pas. Cependant, Le problème de leur conservation se pose à tous les ménages, surtout en ces temps de confinement et de restriction sanitaire dus à la covid-19. Voici ci-dessous 3 conseils pratiques pour la bonne […]
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Covid 19 : Des ateliers d?art « Hors les murs » sont organisés - 02-03-2021
En dépit de la crise sanitaire et de la fermeture des musées, certains promoteurs de musées ont trouvé une solution très simple. Il s?agit en effet de l?organisation des ateliers d?arts pour les enfants en dehors des musées. Cette initiative a vu le jour plus précisément à la Rochelle. Une initiative à encourager L?initiative en […]
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Bénin : Le festival Effet Graff débute sa 7ème édition - 02-03-2021
Partir pour durer neuf jours, le festival Effet Graff qui est l?un des plus grand festival d?art urbain dans le paysage de la francophonie a pris son envol. Démarré le 12 février, l?événement prendra fin le 21 février 2021. C?est un événement qui connaitra la touche de plus de 10.000 participants venus d?Afrique et d?ailleurs. […]
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Le body painting: un art pur - 02-03-2021
Très en vogue dernièrement, le body painting est un art et une forme d?expression très utilisée par les artistes. Conçu comme vulgaire pour les uns et très expressifs pour d?autres, les avis sur le body painting à notre époque sont partagés. La peinture corporelle : une forme d?expression À la base, il s?agit d?un art […]
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Une ?uvre de Botticelli chèrement vendue - 02-03-2021
Le célèbre artiste italien de la renaissance a vu son tableau être vendu à prix d?or au cours d?une vente aux enchères organisée par la maison Sotheby?s. 92,2 millions de dollars, c?est la somme à laquelle ce tableau a été vendu. Un tableau chèrement acquis C?est le 28 janvier dernier que la maison Sotheby?s a […]
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UN's report warns about the impact of climate change - 26-02-2021
A 168-page report released by the UN this month warns about the current state of the planet, adding that there must be a revolutionary change about how climate change is addressed. The report also added that humans must not forget about the state of the planet in their pursuit of "wealth and security". UN secretary-general […]
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Facebook deletes Myanmar military page - 26-02-2021
The social media giant, Facebook, recently deleted the page of the Myanmar military. Facebook said the page broke its rules after two protesters were shot by the Myanmar military. A Facebook representative said: ?In line with our global policies, we?ve removed the Tatmadaw True News Information Team Page from Facebook for repeated violations of our […]
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Skirmish between Chinese and Indian troops at the Himalayan border turns deadly - 26-02-2021
China recently said that four soldiers of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) were killed after a confrontation with Indian troops earlier in 2020. China said it was releasing the statement to clear up the lies released by the Indian government. The fight happened at the highly controversial Himalayan border. The fight is regarded as one […]
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Bird Flu detected amongst human beings in Russia - 26-02-2021
The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that Russian authorities have noticed signs of "human infection with avian influenza H5N8" amongst human beings. This is the first occurrence of the flu infecting human beings. A European representative for WHO said that if the virus is confirmed to be a case of the H5N8 […]
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Worldwide Bitcoin value passes $55,000 - 26-02-2021
Bitcoin reached a new historical level last week, increasing its current value. Its new value saw the online currency pass its market capitalization of $1 trillion. Bitcoin is the world's most popular cryptocurrency, and its 20% weekly gain has increased its value to $57,553 after the coin surpassed $50,000 a few months prior. Bitcoin's current […]
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Chromebook takes the first position, as MacBook is sidelined as the most popular PC - 26-02-2021
Apple has been overrun by Chromebook and has the world's most popular computer system. This research was done by a private study that used factors like price and operating systems. Chromebook takes the first position as most popular PC Google-made Chromebook law has taken over the PC industry in a historic event beating the world-famous […]
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The trial of the murdered French tourists begins in Algeria - 26-02-2021
The murder case of a French citizen has started in Algeria. However, due to the health status of the accused, the trial has been shifted. Gourdel murder case brought to the court An Algerian court has started the trial of a case that involved the 2014 kidnapping and beheading of a French citizen. This was […]
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Canada and Britain impose heavy sanctions on Myanmar leaders - 26-02-2021
Sanctions have been imposed on the military rulers in Burma. The Canadian and UK government has frozen some leaders' assets due to the coup. Canada and Britain bans Myanmar military rulers Britain and the Canadian government have given the military leadership in Burma heavy sanctions after they carried out a coup that ousted a democratically […]
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French president, Mr. Macron pleads with the EU and US to divert Covid-19 vaccines to Africa - 26-02-2021
The French leader has pleaded with European nations to give the vaccines to African and Latin American nations. He said they should stop being selfish and let the vaccines reach poorer nations. French president begs EU and US to help poor nations for COVID-19 vaccines The president of France Emmanuel Macron has asked the United […]
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Inflation in the UK could pass 2% as product prices rise - 26-02-2021
The rate of inflation in Britain has surged in recent weeks. This has caused a slight increase in essential and non-essential services in the country. Inflation rate spikes in Britain Prices of goods have increased in Britain in January as financial analysts this will have a negative effect after the lockdown is eased. Most consumers […]
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Dating app founder detained after supporting prostitution - 26-02-2021
The founder of a dating platform in Malaysia has been detained on allegations of backing prostitution. Although he was released on bail before, he is now back in the police net. SurgerBook App Boss in police custody The creator of the sugar book dating platform in Malaysia has just been arrested after violating prostitution laws […]
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South Carolina issues a ban for abortions and parental group sues - 26-02-2021
Abortion has been majorly banned in South Carolina with the Governor signing the bill. However, there has been dissent from some groups who feel the bill isn't ideal. South Carolina bans Abortion The governor of South Carolina Mr. Henry McMaster has supported a bill that bans almost every type of abortion in the state. This […]
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President Biden of the US to talk about China, coronavirus at G7 meeting - 26-02-2021
The G7 meeting will come up on Friday, and it is expected that President Joe Biden will discuss crucial issues. President Biden to talk about China and COVID-19 at the summit The president of America has said his main objective at the summit of G7 is about the covid-19 virus and the Chinese government. According […]
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World Health Organization sends 12,000 vaccines of Ebola to Guinea - 26-02-2021
The Ebola virus is back in Africa and this time it is Guinea. The world health organizations have sent more than 12,000 vaccines to cushion the spread WHO supplies Guinea with 12,000 Ebola vaccines WHO has just supplied Guinea with over 12,000 Ebola vaccines which should arrive at the capital, Conakry, this weekend. Guinea, this […]
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US oil production slumps to 42% as waves rock Texas operations - 26-02-2021
The cold wave that affected most parts of Texas, has caused a huge decline in Oil operations in the region. It is likely the US will have an increase in oil rates. US oil production declines to 42% The total crude oil production of the US has dipped to above 41% - which is the […]
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Henrik Fisker says his New Company will Stand the Test of Time - 26-02-2021
Henrik Fisker is a car designer that has a rich history with 2 top automobile manufacturers ? Aston Martin and BMW. He left these companies to set up shop as an entrepreneur ? a decision that backfired as his company went bankrupt for some reason. In this report, we analyze the chances of Fisker surviving […]
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How Some Capitol Riot Policemen may have had a Hand in the Siege - 26-02-2021
The 6th of January 2021 will remain a dark day for this nation. This is given how the nation?s symbol of democracy and regard for public opinion was desecrated by pro-trump mobs. All these happened right under the ex-president?s watch as he took a long while before making any constructive comments on the situation. In […]
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How China Is Playing the Blaming Game Amidst the Pandemic - 26-02-2021
Especially given reports from a team of experts validated by the World Health Organization to investigate the source and outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, it can be deduced that the Chinese authorities are acting strange. In this report, we see how this Asian authority has been doing this for a long time despite the fact […]
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Major Vaccine Delivery Companies Negatively Impacted by the Southern United States Winter Storm - 26-02-2021
A program was in place for the vaccination to go on as smoothly and successfully as possible. Unfortunately, the worst kind of winter storm in 30 years has disrupted plans to get as many Americans vaccinated in this part of the United States, particularly Texas. In this report, we take an insight into the dealing […]
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House Democrats to Take Bold and Coordinated Step in Pushing for Covid-19 Relief Bill - 26-02-2021
Not too long after the new administration assumed office, the presidency proposed a big financial move in the bid to help the economy get back on its feet. This is specifically about the Covid-19 relief package that has raised so much dust in recent times between the democrats and republicans. Why Division in Capitol Hill […]
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The US accuses three Koreans of $1.4 online theft - 26-02-2021
US intelligence has named three North Koreans for attempting to steal from various public and private institutions. The accused have not yet been arrested, but have been identified as intelligence officers of North Korea. North Korean intelligence officers accused of online crimes The US has recently charged three North Koreas for attempting to steal more […]
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The US approves $210 million in arms sales to Egypt despite human rights violations - 26-02-2021
Despite various accusations of human rights violations against Egypt, the US has sold weapons to the Arab nation. An American citizen and his family were harassed recently in Egypt, and the US hasn't done anything. US government sold ammunition worth over $200 million to Egypt The government of the United States has sold weapons which […]
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US government says China will be made accountable for human rights abuses - 26-02-2021
China has been called out by the US, for human rights violations. President Biden said China has to be held liable for any abuses it perpetuates. China government liable for any abuses it engaged in President Joe Biden-led administration has said that the Chinese will be held accountable for all manners of human rights abuses. […]
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UN chief accuses 'few' nations of getting 80% of all COVID-19 vaccines - 26-02-2021
A top official of the United Nations has questioned the moral standing of '10' western nations for getting most of the vaccines available. He pleaded that consideration should be given to developing and war-torn nations. Some western nations cornered 90% of available COVID-19 vaccines - UN chief The United Nations boss has sternly lambasted the […]
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China becomes Europe's biggest trading partner - 26-02-2021
China has overtaken the US as Europe's best trading nation for the year. This is good news to China who has bounced back quickly from the COVID-19 pandemic. China overtakes America as Europe top trading country The European Union is now trading more with the Chinese than the United States. This shows how the COVID-19 […]
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Facebook bars Australians from sharing news content - 26-02-2021
Facebook has finally stopped Australians from viewing news outside the zone. This has angered the governments, and they have slammed the social network. Facebook has stopped Australians from viewing and sharing news feed from their platform Social network giant Facebook has stopped Australian users from seeing and sharing news feeds on its website which has […]
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Prince Philip hurriedly hospitalized after complaining of mild illness - 26-02-2021
It seems the Duke of Edinburgh is having some mild health challenges. He has been rushed to the hospital after feeling slightly sick on Wednesday. Prince Philip rushed to the hospital after complaining of illness The duke of Edinburgh, aged 99 has been admitted to a clinic on Tuesday after he felt slightly sick, according […]
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Myanmar coup: Protest gathers momentum as gridlock appears in major Burmese cities - 26-02-2021
There seem to be no going back for the protesters in Burma. For the eight-day, they have defied the violent suppression from the military leaders. Thousands saw blocking major cities in Myanmar Thousands of Burmese citizens have taken to the streets of cities in the country around Wednesday protesting against the Myanmar Army coup and […]
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South Africa receives Johnson and Johnson vaccine dose - 26-02-2021
After so much waiting, South African has become the first African nation to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The president has his ministers were the first to get the Johnson & Johnson jab. Johnson and Johnson's vaccine arrive in South Africa The government has flagged off its vaccination plan against the coronavirus by administering national health […]
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The retail industry sees a surge in the US - 26-02-2021
Despite being hit by the coronavirus pandemic, it seems the retail sector in the US has recovered. There has been a gradual increase in sales of retail products in America. Us retail industry experiences an increase The American US retail sales have jumped to their highest percentage in seven months. This has suggested that the […]
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Comment préparer de la Margarita?? - 22-02-2021
Faites-vous de la préparation de la Margarita un gros souci?? Elle ne l?est pas, si vous savez justement par où commencer. Si vous voulez vraiment découvrir le secret, lisez absolument cet article. Il vous propose les recettes clés pour préparer une Margarita bien savoureuse. Les ingrédients Les ingrédients indispensables à la préparation de la Margarita […]
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Quelles sont les différentes manières de cuire la viande d?agneau ? - 22-02-2021
La viande de l?agneau est très douce à déguster. C?est de même qu?elle est facile à préparer. Voulez-vous vous y essayer?? Définissez d?abord votre recette de cuisson, car il existe mille et une manières de cuire la viande d?agneau. Le ragoût d?agneau Le ragoût d?agneau est une sauce préparée à partir des petits morceaux de […]
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Quels sont les outils indispensables dans une cuisine?? - 22-02-2021
L?un des secrets pour économiser plus d?argent dans son portefeuille, c?est de se préparer à manger chez soi. En effet, vous n?avez point besoin d?être un cordon-bleu pour vous faire de copieux plats. L?essentiel est d?équiper la cuisine avec un certain nombre d?ustensiles. Découvrez-les ici. La cocotte Idéale pour les plats braisés ou rôtis, la […]
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À quoi sert le plan de travail dans une cuisine?? - 22-02-2021
Le plan de travail fait partie intégrante de l?équipement d?une cuisine. Bien qu?à chacun de le tourner à son goût et ses besoins, son usage est déjà fixé par les normes. En effet, le plan de travail sert à faire plusieurs choses dans la cuisine. Plus de détails dans la suite. Le plan de travail […]
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Les recettes diététiques pour perdre du poids - 22-02-2021
Manger pour vivre et non vivre pour manger. Voilà l'expression qui conduit naïvement certaines personnes à une illusion terrible sur l'alimentation. Du fastfood par-ci, de la sucrerie par là. Et finalement l'obésité se fait bonne place. Si vous voulez savoir comment bien manger pour sortir de ce piège, continuez à lire cet article. Il vous […]
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Quelles couleurs choisir pour les murs de votre cuisine ? - 22-02-2021
L'esthétique a son prix. Elle vous distingue par la masse. C'est pourquoi vous devez l'intégrer à votre cuisine, bien que ce soit l'endroit le moins visité par les hôtes. Quelles sont alors les couleurs qui vous aideront à relever son éclat ? Découvrez ici les symboliques peintures pour la déco cuisine. Le rose Que ne […]
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